In this Random Nun Clip, we talk about snacks and hospitality in the convent. You can hear the full Ask Sister podcast at AS184 at aNunsLife.org.
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Sister Julie
This Random Nun Clip is brought to you by A Nun's Life Ministry.
Sister Maxine
Melissa, who also asked in a convent, are there snacks throughout the day--I don't think I've ever been in a convent where there weren't snacks available. Sisters may choose to not eat them during the day, but certainly as an act of hospitality, snacks are available.
Sister Julie
I think your point of hospitality is a big one.
Sister Maxine
Yeah, and I think that's just part of being a sister: to extend to others a sign that you are welcome, a sign that folks are delighted to have you there. So I think that's all part of that hospitality piece. Trying to anticipate not just what you might want, but what would delight you.
Sister Julie
Let me ask you this, because we've been on 27 different Motherhouse road trips--27 different religious communities, 27 different mother houses. Have you found snacks at those other motherhouses?
Sister Maxine
I would say across the board. Snacks. Yeah.
Sister Julie
They're hospitable people.
Sister Maxine
Yeah, it's wonderful.
Sister Julie
On Facebook, we had asked folks if they had snacks in the convent, and if they did, what they tend to have Lisa on Facebook wrote, "Peanut butter-filled pretzel bites were popular at the motherhouse I regularly visited." And she says recreation usually included chips and crackers and cheese and cookies. Sunday supper featured ice cream.
Sister Maxine
Now that is a good lineup right there.
Sister Julie
No kidding. I have to say the peanut butter-filled pretzel bites. I think--
Sister Maxine
One of my faves!
Sister Julie
Another fave here in our local area. Maria, who is a sister that we met at the Franciscan Sisters in Frankfort, Illinois, she wrote, "Unsalted roasted almonds."
Sister Maxine
An excellent choice.
Sister Julie
Excellent choice. "Ritz crackers and cheese. And cheese sticks." Can't go wrong with cheese sticks.
Sister Maxine
Here in the here in the chat room Ann said at her church, the eighth sacrament is church coffee after the High Mass on Sunday.
Sister Julie
We love that.
Sister Maxine
It's also a good thing for community. It's hospitality, but it's also community and I imagine in that parish setting, it's a chance to get to know who's sitting next to you in the pews, who's all around you at Mass. That's a wonderful practice.
Sister Julie
And all kinds of things come up when you sort of have a chance to have a cup of coffee. It just gives you that chitchat time that you might not otherwise have, and you get to catch up with each other. So it's funny--snacks are in themselves obviously food, things that we can eat. There's a very functional purpose of snacks. But it also has that communal aspect of bringing people together.
Sister Maxine
Now here in the chat room, Sister Julie OSF makes the point, "If you've not been offered food or drink upon entering the house, you did not enter a convent."
Sister Julie
Amen, Sister!
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